1:1 Meetings powered by Brella
Our community is the most important part of JCON. Therefore, we have an awesome tool for you for this years JCON.
Brella - The Networking App to socialize with everyone!
Just accept the invite you get from us, download the app and enoy the following benefits:
1:1 Meetings
Schedule Planning
If you want to build your own schedule, just visit the "Schedule"-Tab and bookmark the session your are most interested in.
You'll then receive notifications, when the session is about to start.
If you additionally filter the schedule by your bookmarks, you'll then be able the only see your most interessted session to plan your day even better.
Maybe book some 1:1 meetings ;)
Do you want to know more about our sponsors?
Just visit the Sponsors-Tab and click through the virtual booths of the sponsors. There you'll find links and the employees who are at JCON at the booth.
Combined with the 1:1 meetings you're than able to meet up with them to get even more information about the company.